Engineering a Greener Future: Retrofitting HVAC Systems to Achieve Decarbonization

When:  May 22, 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00 (ET)

Facilities such as higher education and hospital campuses often carry significant simultaneous heating and cooling loads that result in significant emissions and rely on the use of non-renewable resources. Traditionally, HVAC systems are designed around fossil fuel-powered chiller and boiler systems. Advancements in electric heat pump technologies have enabled a wider range of heating capacities that can meet the demands of these facilities.

Jon McCrea, Equipment Area General Manager, and Rob Tanner, Director of Marketing for Applied Equipment, from Johnson Controls will discuss the challenges these facilities face today including deep decarbonization goals, limited land access and capital expense limitations. They will examine the evolution in air- and water-cooled heat pumps, how transitions to low-GWP refrigerants support Scope 1 emission reductions and how the value today’s smaller equipment sizes provide for Scope 3 emissions while also helping to minimize the square footage necessary for HVAC systems. Insights will be shared on potential cost-saving benefits of making intentional HVAC upgrades and the resources available to help reduce capital investments.

