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Good Practice Guide District Energy 

10-05-2018 10:59


Cities worldwide account for over 70% of global energy use and 40-50% of GHG emissions.i In a number of cities, heating and cooling represent up to half of local energy consumption  and with projected urban growth, there will be increasing pressure on these key infrastructures. Sustainable urban heating and cooling are thus central for cities’ energy transition and for reaching their ambitious goals for tackling climate change. One of the least-costly and most efficient solutions in reducing GHG emissions and primary energy demand is the development of modern, efficient, climate-resilient and low-carbon district
energy in cities.ii

This publication draws from the research and findings of the UNEP report, District Energy in Cities: Unlocking the Potential of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy published under the Global District Energy in Cities Initiative, of which C40 is a partner. This Good Practice Guide focuses on the key elements to successfully deliver district energy in cities, with a survey of best practices leading to better economic, social, and environmental outcomes for cities.

Published By

C40 Cities and United Nations Environment Programme


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