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Hydrogen-Capable Gas Turbines for Carbon Neutral Power Generation 

09-27-2023 12:52

Session Abstract

Many papers have been written about the benefits of CHP for Greenhouse Gas emission reduction, but the carbon intensity of fossil-fuelled CHP is above the levels needed to achieve long term climate action goals.This presentation discusses how hydrogen could help further reduce CO2 emissions, looking at the necessary changes required on new and existing gas turbines and auxiliary systems, as gas turbine OEMs strive to burn 100% hydrogen by 2030. The presentation will look at the ‘HyflexPower’ CHP 100% H2 retrofit at a paper mill in France, the newbuild Leipzig CHP plant in Germany, designed to take 30% volume H2 in the fuel gas, and consider the additional impact that H2 could have on CO2 reduction for the recent 105MW Ohio State University


Wesley Harris, Senior Key Expert - Gas Turbine Systems, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd


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Presented at IDEA 2021 in Austin, TX