After being discussed during the NATO Net Zero Energy Water and Waste Advanced Training Course in Wiesbaden (April 2016) and during the European Defence Agency Consultation Forum in Dublin (June 2016), the US Army ERDC (USA) in collaboration with the Office of Assistant Secretary of the Army (USA) and KEA (Germany) have prepared a project proposal for the Annex 73 "Towards Net Zero Resilient Public Communities", which was approved by the IEA EBC Executive meeting in Sydney, Australia (November 2016) for the preparation phase and for the working phase in Ottawa, Canada (November 2017). The goal of the project is to develop a decision-making process and a computer based modeling tools for achieving net zero energy resilient publicly owned communities (military garrisons, universities, public housing, etc.)
During the preparation phase three experts meetings were convened: in Washington, DC (September 2016), Frankfurt, DE (October 2016) and in Copenhagen, DK (April 2017). No that the working phase has begun, the objectives are to develop definitions, matrix, and monetary values for Energy Targets; summarize, develop and catalog representative building models by building use type that are applicable to national public communities/military garrisons building stocks; develop a data-base of power and thermal energy generation, distribution and storage scenarios and screen them for energy resiliency; develop guidance for net zero energy master planning; integrate the targets, constraints, and monetized values into energy master planning tools such that it can effectively model and identify optimum energy-support infrastructures that ensure sustainment of mission critical functions for military installations; collect and describe business and financial aspects and legal requirements and constraints for NZE master planning for public communities in participating countries; provide dissemination and training in participating countries and the end users, mainly decision makers, community planners and energy managers and other market partners in the proceedings and work of the Annex subtasks.
Dr. Alexander Zhivov, ERDC
1800 West Park Drive, Suite 350
Westborough, MA 01581 USA
Phone +1 (508) 366-9339
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