Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has issued a second call for Expressions of Interest under the Energy-Efficient Buildings Research, Development and Demonstration Program. The second phase of the Green Infrastructure program has been expanded to include preliminary planning for net-zero communities.
A clean environment and a strong economy go hand-in-hand. To advance Canada’s efforts to build a clean economy, Budget 2017 proposed investments in green infrastructure, including initiatives that will support the implementation of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.
Among other measures, the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change calls for improving the energy efficiency of new construction through the development and adoption of increasingly stringent model building codes, starting in 2020, with the goal that provinces and territories adopt a ‘net-zero energy ready’ building code by 2030. Similarly, federal, provincial and territorial governments will work to develop a model code for existing buildings by 2022, for its subsequent adoption by authorities having jurisdiction.
The Government of Canada is investing $182 million to increase energy efficiency and address climate change by improving how our homes and buildings are designed, renovated, and constructed. $48.4 million is going to support the development and implementation of building codes for existing buildings and new net-zero energy-ready buildings through RD&D initiatives that:
Only Canadian organizations are eligible. Details are outlined in the EOI Applicants' Guide or on the Energy-Efficient Buildings RD&D Program website.
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