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White Oak Microgrid at FDA Federal Research Center 

11-01-2018 13:37

The White Oak Microgrid at the FDA Federal Research Center is a state-of-the-art 3 million square foot, $900 million Food and Drug Administration office and lab compound. The White Oak microgrid provides a high level of energy surety enabling the GSA/FDA to fulfill their mission while also benefiting from the energy efficiency measures incorporated to satisfy the required electrical and thermal loads of the campus, while reducing the annual pollution and increasing the energy savings of the campus.

The system consists of a 55 MW central utility plant microgrid and includes multiple generators including two black-start generators, a 30kW PV array, three types of chillers, 2 million gallons of thermal energy storage, multiple boilers, and the integrated plant controls and building automation system needed to operate such an advanced system. The White Oak system supplies more power to the utility grid than is used from the grid on an annual basis.


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Uploaded - 11-01-2018