
Positive Energy: Danish Island leads renewable revolution

By District Energy posted 04-12-2019 11:11


Hans von der Brelie, Euronews


In this episode of Insiders, Euronews' Hans von der Brelie travels to Denmark to find out about the efforts of one island to slow down climate change. 

In the Danish city of Aarhus, young demonstrators gather to demand immediate action to tackle climate change. The rally in Denmark's second biggest city is part of a global movement called 'Fridays For Future' and comes ahead of this May's key European elections. Those taking part in the march accuse politicians of dragging their feet in the battle against global warming.

Apprentice chef Nina is one of protest organisers. She says, "It is going wrong, that the politicians, the world society, they signed the Paris agreement three years ago, but they do not live up to it. They do not have plans how to reach the goals and that is why we are here on the streets today."

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