Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation PJSC (Empower), the world's largest district cooling services provider, announced the launch of new policies and plans that ensure sustainability in the district cooling operations across Dubai, including adoption of Reverse Osmosis (RO) technologies. Empower is using RO technology to purify and reuse water in its operations since 2012, started in the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) district cooling plant, and continued adoption of this technology in most of its district cooling plants in the various parts of Dubai. The company has now confirmed the commencement of construction of reverse osmosis plants in three of its eight district cooling plants in Palm Jumeirah, in line with the objectives of the Dubai government's strategy seeking to rationalize the consumption of desalinated (fresh) water in district cooling operations and promote the use of other water alternatives such as sea water, dark water and treated sewage effluent to enhance sustainability approaches and applications.
Empower has saved 412 million imperial gallons of fresh water in 2022, which is equivalent to the amount of water in 749 Olympic swimming pools, by using recycled water in its operations.
The company explained that the introduction of reverse osmosis technologies in the Palm Jumeirah district cooling plants aims to purify water from salts, organic compounds, heavy metals and other impurities in order to be reused in cooling tower operations and to ensure
sustainable environmentally-friendly cooling operations, which contributes to the preservation of water resources.
His Excellency Ahmad bin Shafar, CEO of Empower, said, "In implementation of the Executive Council Resolution No. (27) of 2008 concerning the use of saline water in district cooling systems in the Emirate of Dubai, adoption of best practices and sustainable solutions is a priority in the organization's business model, whether for protecting the environment in general or preserving water and energy resources in particular." He asserted that the company adopts high standards in fulfilling its commitments towards protecting the environment. "Environmental issues and the protection of natural resources have been a cornerstone in Empower's program since its inception, and therefore the company adopted an integrated agenda that contributes to achieving positive environmental impact." Bin Shafar further stressed that Empower has a proven track record in protecting natural resources and achieving huge savings of fresh water, thanks to its keenness to apply sustainable and modern practices in using treated sewage effluent in its operations instead of fresh water.