Dublin Live
Minister for the Environment, Eamon Ryan, today launched new reports from the Irish District Energy Association (IrDEA). The reports show that district energy is the most economically viable low carbon heating option for 64% of the Irish population.
The reports also compare the rollout of the technology in six European countries, using this as the basis for recommendations on policies needed to deliver district energy to Irish consumers quickly and at scale. Recommendations include consumer protection measures, and rules on planning and licensing, among others.
District energy networks distribute water, which has been heated at a local energy centre, to buildings through a network of insulated underground pipes eliminating the need for fossil fuels and individual boilers. The benefits include improved energy security, efficiency savings, affordability, better air quality and employment opportunities.
According to IrDEA, the reports make the case for significant state investment to kick-start the sector, which has been tasked with delivering enough heat for 200,000 homes and 2,500 public buildings by 2030, which equates to 10% of building heat demand.
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