Scottish Construction Now
Glasgow-based developer CCG Homes has unveiled ‘West Shore’ – hailing it as Edinburgh’s first private housing development designed to achieve (regulated) ‘operational net zero carbon’.
In order to achieve net zero emissions from such services, West Shore will be powered by an innovative, zero-direct emissions heating system which is a “clean” or “non-polluting” system.
The heating system in place at West Shore is one of the largest and most advanced of its kind in the UK. Rather than having a gas boiler in each property, all space heating and hot water requirements will be served by ten industrial-scale air-source heat pumps and eight water-to-water pumps which will combine at a centralised location, connecting to each property through an insulated pipe network.
Otherwise known as district heating, homeowners can expect lower fuel bills – saving up to £320 per year – as a result of the efficiencies brought by the system and the enhanced building performance, something which is further complemented by 220 solar PV panels that will be installed on the roof of the apartment block and directly feed each property.
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