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REPORT: Sustainable Heat: Options for Decarbonizing Cold-Region Higher Education Campus Heating Systems

By District Energy posted 09-12-2024 10:34


David Gardner & Associates


American higher education campuses in cold-weather areas have traditionally used oil- and coal-fired boilers to generate steam for heating. But many institutions, including some that have already shifted to natural gas, are looking for ways to reduce their reliance on fossil-derived resources.

David  Gardner and Associates published this report to act as an educational resource for higher education institutions, offering:

(1) insights from universities and colleges that are at different points in their heating sustainability journeys and whose real-world experience can help others in their decision-making process,

(2) technical information and implementation examples for seven different commercially available non-fossil-based heating technologies, and

(3) case studies describing the heating decarbonization paths of eight higher education institutions: Bates College, Boston University, Connecticut College, Denison University, the Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, University of Iowa, and University of Maine.

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