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Veolia Accelerates Decarbonisation of Municipal Heat with Energy from Waste

By District Energy posted 10-02-2024 17:27




Veolia is planning a new district heating network in London that will deliver heat from the Group’s SELCHP Energy Recovery Facility (ERF), working in partnership with Southwark Council.

By using 75GWh per year of low carbon heat from the electricity generating process that treats non recyclable waste, the network aims to supply 4,700 homes across 11 social housing estates and schools. 

Currently almost half of the final energy consumed in the UK is used as heat and the domestic, commercial and public sectors account for two-thirds of this energy consumption. This is largely fossil fuelled and district heating networks, using the heat from the waste-fed electricity generation process, represent an efficient, affordable and decarbonising alternative to provide households with cleaner energy.

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