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AECL, CNL gauge interest in use of small reactor designs

By District Energy posted 16 days ago




Atomic Energy of Canada Limited and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories have issued a Request for Expression of Interest to better understand market interest in licensing AECL's Slowpoke and Nuclear Battery reactor technologies for commercialisation opportunities.

The Request for Expression of Interest (RFEOI) invites technology developers and other interested stakeholders to submit their insights and feedback about the innovative reactor designs and technologies, which collectively have broad applications that include electricity generation, district heating, isotope production and physics research.

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) said its Slowpoke - from Safe Low-Power 'Kritical' Experiment - technology is a family of low-pressure, pool-type reactors. It was designed by Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) in the 1960s for neutron activation analysis, trace radioisotope production and as a tool for teaching nuclear science and engineering. AECL said it is a small, simple, inexpensive and inherently safe reactor design that has years of operations experience, and which has been successfully licensed and operated safely in Canada for decades. 

"The success of small Slowpoke research reactors has also motivated exploration of the potential for larger versions of the concept, which could be used for district heating," it noted. 

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