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Setting the Standard for Campus Sustainability at UC Davis

By District Energy posted 16 days ago


UC Davis


Just before winter break, we learned that UC Davis was named the greenest university in the nation for the ninth year in a row in the UI GreenMetric rankings. These rankings reflect progress in such areas as energy and climate change, waste, water, transportation, and our impact in education and research. 

This accomplishment is a testament to our community’s commitment to addressing climate change, which is among the world’s most pressing issues. The urgency of the situation is made clear by the widespread droughts, rising sea levels and increased wildfires we are witnessing.

The time is now to find solutions in the face of the climate crisis. That’s why sustainability remains a core element of our Grand Challenges initiative, which seeks to address the world’s most “wicked problems” through a cross-disciplinary approach. We are also actively engaged in advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through innovation and collaboration in teaching, research and service. UC Davis is driven to find solutions to the climate crisis, with an all-hands-on-deck approach from all corners of the university, from all our colleges and schools, UC Davis Health and beyond.

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