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Exergenics Chilled Water Plant Optimization Project at Sydney Airport Recognized for Innovation and Sustainability at AIRAH and CIBSE Awards

By District Energy posted 14 days ago


A.G. Coombs


This year, A.G. Coombs and Exergenics have been recognised in categories of “Excellence in Innovation” and “Excellence in Sustainability” at the 2024 AIRAH Awards for Excellence.
The Chilled Water Plant Optimisation Project involved using the latest machine learning and simulation techniques to improve the control logic of the Terminal 1 chiller plant and secondary pumping system.
The project achieved a 33.4% increase in efficiency, reducing energy consumption by 890,094 kWh and cutting GHG emissions by 704 tCO2 over nine months, through improved efficiency. The overall annual project reduction in energy consumption was 1,742,000 kWh, equivalent to 1,377 tCO2.
The project was undertaken in a close partnership between A.G. Coombs Advisory and Exergenics, working with the Sydney Airport team to achieve their ambitious sustainability targets.
In accepting the awards, Bryon Price, A.G. Coombs Strategic Development Director said, “We would like to particularly recognise our Sydney Airport client. Investing in the tuning of building systems is often an article of faith for building owners and operators – you cannot see the work. It’s not like installing a new high COP chiller, or other capital works to reduce energy use.

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