Summary Launched in 2012, the Campus Energy Student Video Contest challenges students from IDEA member institutions to create a short video about their campus energy plant, focused on district energy and/or combined heat and power (CHP). The 2020 winners from the University of Cincinnati...
Summary As buildings are designed with more technology, it is valuable for the cooling equipment to also offer high tech solutions. We will review a case study from a medical center that features magnetic bearing chillers and talk to the performance and lower maintenance all with the...
Summary The University of Virginia has recently completed a project that installed a 100MMbtu/hr hot water generator. This project supports the LTHW conversion currently in progress and represents the first phase of the Main Heat Plant transition from steam to hot water. Additional heating...
Summary When district energy’s flexible integration with the electricity grid can integrate renewables, reduce costs and make the system more resilient, why is it not always happening? In this study, six experts + plant managers at ten US campuses share knowledge on barriers for flexible...
Summary Cornell University explores the complex operating environment and the decisions necessary to operate its district utility systems in both an economic and sustainable manner. Discussions in this talk will include: why is it important set a price on carbon, and how can it be done; what...
Summary Shifting priorities and goals of university leadership reach ever deeper to obtain carbon reductions. Converting buildings to accept lower-temperature hot water has tremendous benefits, yet the costs and technicalities involved in this transition can be daunting. This presentation...
Summary PSU's goal was to determine the energy, maintenance, and resulting carbon emission savings from converting the existing steam distribution system to a hot water distribution system. A study was conducted based on the existing campus heating distribution system condition consisting of...
Track: Microgrid Workshop Speaker Michael Dempsey, Burns & McDonnell #CampusEnergyConference #ConferenceProceeding #2020 #Microgrids #Workshop #BurnsandMcDonnell
Summary Microgrids are the fastest growing market segment in the energy world. This rapid rise has resulted in a wide range of related meanings, components, functions, and applications. This presentation will provide clarity to what a microgrid is by defining its components and functions. It...
Summary Campus owners rely on electric utilities due to their large electrical load requirements. Many campus owners are implementing microgrid solutions and coordinating with their electric utility in the process. There are many compelling reasons utilities should and are getting involved...
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